Meditation with Sound

I am fascinated by the power of sound to help our physical bodies to release long-held emotional baggage. I have been holding sound meditation sessions at the equinoxes and solstices at different venues in South London and recently on Facebook Live. I use a combination of gentle percussion instruments including a Tibetan singing bowl and a Bosnian Fly drum as well as my voice to evoke a magical atmosphere.

Participants are invited to meditate in a circle, then lie down on a yoga mat, covered with a blanket, relax and go inwards and let the sound bring your system back into alignment, reminding you of your connection to all of life. These sessions are deeply relaxing and rejuvenating, a chance to recallibrate, to let go of anything uphelpful and to call in what may be of more benefit energetically.

Participants always love the energy of these sessions, they can be deeply cathartic, healing and rejuvenating. Feedback included this comment from Patrick, 14, who suffers with anxiety: ‘I felt like I was going into space, the sound washed over me and filled the room, it was like being under a duvet. I felt anxiety rise up in me and then it released and I felt very calm and relaxed afterwards’.


Please email or call 07733396636 for more information